Programming language | Version info | Default runtime | Default memory | Comments |
Bash | 5.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Brainfuck | Beef 1.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
C | Clang 14, Standard: C11, gegen libm gelinkt | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
COBOL | GnuCOBOL 3.1 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
C++ | Clang 14, Standard: C++11, gegen libm gelinkt | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
C# | Mono C# compiler version 6.8, Mono Project | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Erlang | 25 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Go | Go 1.19 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Haskell | GHC 9.0 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Jasmin | Jasmin 2.5, OpenJDK 17 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | Auf Grund einer Einschränkung des Jasmin-Compilers muss die Main-Klasse "Solution" heißen. Due to a s limitation of the Jasmin compiler, the Main-Class must be named "Solution". |
Java | OpenJDK 17 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | Auf Grund einer Einschränkung des Java-Compilers muss die Main-Klasse "Solution" heißen. Due to a s limitation of the Java compiler, the Main-Class must be named "Solution". |
JavaScript | Node.js 18.13 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Kotlin | Kotlin 1.3, OpenJDK 17 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Lisp | SBCL 2.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Lua | Lua 5.4 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
OCaml | OCaml 4.13 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Octave | GNU Octave 7.3.0 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Pascal | Free Pascal 3.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Perl | Perl 5.36 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
PHP | PHP 8.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Python 3 | Python 3.11 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
R | R 4.2 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Ruby | Ruby 3.1 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Rust | Rust 1.63 | 60 seconds | 100 MB | |
Vala | Vala 0.56.3 | 60 seconds | 100 MB |