
  1. Participants:
    • Everybody is welcome to participate in this advent calendar. It is not required to be student at the university of Passau.

  2. Problems:
    • Between 2023-12-01 and 2023-12-24 every day at 09:00am (Passau local time) a new problem is published.
    • These problems can be solved until the end of the year, that is until 2023-12-31.
    • Each problem has public and private testcases.
    • Public testcases are provided together with their problem. For private testcases you can only see if you passed the testcase or not.

  3. Submissions:
    • A submission consists of a file containing the sourcecode of your program. We compile that program and execute it on our evaluation system. The output of the program for the input of a testcase is then compared to the expected output. If they match, the testcase is considered passed.
    • You can submit as many solutions as you want. It also doesn't matter if your first submission fails.
    • Even if it might be tempting, it is forbidden to upload programs that might harm a fair and healthy competition. This includes, but is not limited to, programs that mainly consist of automatically generated code. We reserve the right to exclude participants that violate this rule from the competition.
    • Possible programming languages are C, C++, C#, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala and more. Further information can be found in our FAQ.

  4. Scoring:
    • Each solved testcase awards a specific amount of points. These points are accounted per testcase. So you can collect points even if your solution did not pass all testcases!
    • The time of the submission does not influence the amount of points you will get. A solution submitted on the first day the problem is available is as good as a solution submitted a week later.
    • The points awarded for a problem are always taken from one solution: The points are taken from the submission that awards the most points.
    • The total score is the sum of the points of the best submissions for each problem.

  5. Prices:
    • The participants with the highest score at the end of the competition will be invited to the price-giving.
    • If several participants share the same score, the first three places will be determined by a jury.

  6. Others:
    • The legal process is excluded.
    • We reserve the right to change the rules if needed.